Pisces Monthly November 2019

With Venus moving over the apex of your solar chart between 2nd and 25th, it would be understandable if you wanted to spoil yourself with a few treats.
And yes, this could be a plan - especially around Friday 8th when you could treat yourself to something which is in fact a long-term investment.
Health matters may be central to this.
What you learn on Sunday 10th might also prompt a smart financial idea that can be implemented at the Full Moon on 12th.
Yes, this probably does involve playing the long game Mars arrives in another of the Water signs on Tuesday 19th and though Mercury is still retrograde then,
once again, you could be given hints as to possible investments.
It might be wise to wait until after Venus moves on into Capricorn on Tuesday 26th before you take action.
It may be that the purchase of a large item (possibly furniture?) plays a part.
It's in those last few days of November too that you could make shrewd purchases likely related to gift giving at the end of the year.