Starcast for the week beginning October 30th, 2019
Is your dream good enough as it is or would you prefer to fine-tune the thing? Mercury is in fellow water sign
Scorpio and is about to shift retrograde on Thursday, Oct. 31, allowing for you to color it with more. Loving
Venus is merged with Mercury but as Mercury slows to a stop, Venus will exit Scorpio and enter fiery Sagittarius
on Friday, Nov. 1, in your house of the public self, earning you greater notice and well-deserved recognition.
Action Mars is in Libra and moving into a square to Pluto in Capricorn on Monday, Nov. 4, which could expose
some weak links in a connection or two, having you re-thinking whether something is right and good for you.
However, by the end of next week, a whole new world opens up when Mars and Jupiter join forces, dissolving
doubts and expanding your horizons. Your journey is about learning lessons in seeing others clearly, and within
that, knowing who and what to trust. Fortunately, your ruler Neptune and steady Saturn are in position to
secure your ability to manifest something supremely ideal.

Keep energizing the ultimate ending that leads to your new beginning!