Starcast for the week beginning October 23rd, 2019
We all want something to cling to, a dream worth going after and something we can trust in the end. Your ruler
Neptune is retrograde in your sign, and it has you reflecting about your future and what feeds this fantastic
fantasy but is also realistic. Fortunately, Saturn is making his way toward a secure alignment with Neptune,
and it will be granting you something you can sink your teeth into. A New Moon in fellow water sign Scorpio
late on Sunday, Oct. 27, is stellar for pushing you beyond your limits, and with its opposition to Uranus, you
could hear some surprising news in the process. Loving Venus and Mercury are also in Scorpio, and with
Mercury slowing down to reverse directions on Thursday, Oct. 31, you may be need to deeply feel through
a big decision in the coming weeks as a result of a sudden change of events. Loving Venus and Mercury
merge in Scorpio the day before to sweeten the pot and make a piece of your future look even more enticing.
You will know what to do soon enough.

Let it all percolate until then!