For October 19-25, 2019
Image: "At the racetrack, a photo finish"
Message: Isolating the moment.

Early this week be on the look-out for an unusual communication in a key relationship.
Aspects indicate that many Pisceans may soon receive a powerful romantic signal or intimate gesture of love.
All of this looks quite lovely and may well be a spiritual indication that you now need to welcome more trust into your life.
Recent moodiness or disrupted sleep patterns will now fade: watch for a powerful wave of social excitement and romantic sensuality to arrive before mid-week.
After Wednesday expect also to be presented with several new business ideas or concepts: stay focused on financial promises, time schedules and long term payments.
Over the next three to four days new employers, managers or work partners will present scattered proposals and highly creative team projects.
Don't postpone or ignore unusual options: before the end of next week unconventional work ideas will quickly expand into valuable and far reaching opportunities.
Late Thursday watch also for compelling flashes of wisdom or a sharp increase in dream activity: powerful romantic and social insights are now available.