Starcast for the week beginning October 9th, 2019
With truth-seeker Jupiter has moved beyond that foggy square to your ruler Neptune, the road is beginning
to clear. Life may have felt too good to be true at times, and at times perhaps it was. Maybe something has
caused you to question clear steps you have taken, starting with a tinge of insecurity linked with whether or
not you could trust the dream. However, with Saturn in position now to secure the ideal in the next month
with a favorable sextile to Neptune, you will experience the universe backing your efforts to step strongly
into your Soul shoes again. Mars is in Libra which can cause the confidence to swing at times but with a Full
Moon in Aries on Sunday, Oct. 13, forming a favorable trine to Jupiter in your house of recognition, you can
be sure that your name will be called and joyfully heard in due time. Mercury and Venus are also now both
traveling through fellow water sign Scorpio, proving to feed your faith by the day. Remember to call on your
guides when need be.

They are a whisper away!