For October 7-13, 2019
Image: "In the attic, a box of old family photos"
Message: Recalling the truth.

Minor physical problems in the areas of the reproductive system, lower intestines or bowels may be bothersome before mid-week.
Attend to all such ailments quickly and expect health and vitality to return later next week.
Some Pisceans, especially those born between 1982 and 1988, may also encounter unexplained blurring of the vision or temporary flushes of coldness in the arms and legs.
Although this is an unusual energy, it is not a serious one and will likely bring powerful experiences of sexuality and sensuality in its wake.
Expect romantic relationships to become passionate and highly active over the coming three weeks.
Thursday through Saturday also accents sibling relationships or long discussions in family matters.
Don't be too drawn into problems that can't be immediately solved: this week family relations might be mildly draining.