Pisces Love Friday 4th October 2019

The fact that both Mercury and Mars have now changed signs suggests a definite change in the cosmic atmosphere -
though it may take until the Moon arrives in your sign late next Wednesday before you feel the benefit.
Before then you may be mystified by the number of people apparently engaged in romantic musical chairs.
You might also wonder about motivation and discretion.
Yet on Wednesday, Venus moves into another of the Water signs, Scorpio, and you too could be engaged in this activity.
It's not at all improbable that by the Full Moon on October 13th, that you will be enjoying attention from more than one direction.
Obviously, how you deal with this will depend on your personal chart.
It might be as well though to note that someone born under one of the Air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius
may have greater interest in you than you have in them.
Balancing this partnership could take some weeks.