Starcast for the week beginning October 2nd, 2019
Expansive Jupiter has been squaring your ruler dream-maker Neptune off and on this entire year. This may
have had the effect of far too much on your plate, mixed with fueling a dream that at times you feared may
be nothing but a fantasy. Jupiter finally moved beyond this square and now that you are in a relative clearing,
you can see what is possible and what sits and awaits on the horizon. This will allow you to concentrate your
energy in a clear direction and be able to maximize your efforts as you bring more of yourself out onto the
stage of life. Pluto, the planet of the Soul stations direct after months being retro on Thursday, Oct. 3. The
same day, Mars enters Libra in your house of the Soul and deepens your drive to empower yourself further on
the journey. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters fellow water sign Scorpio early on the 3rd as well,
and loving Venus follows him there next Thursday, Oct. 8, offering you a full court press of focus surrounding
what it is that you are after. Your conviction will cultivate more promise in the eyes of others and on the road
to your future. When you believe in you, the world will too, More proof is coming!