Pisces Quarterly

Even before the start of this quarter you may be aware that things will not go entirely to plan.
Of course, they rarely do: yet waves of discontent and upset could reach you before the end of October requiring you to change plans yet again and again.
Making the most of the cosmic weather of this quarter likely won't be easy.
Hold the thought that in early December Jupiter arrives in one of the Earth signs and will then be travelling through the networking and friendship area of your solar chart.
This begins a year of considerable excitement.
In fact, before the close of the year, you may be eagerly awaiting 2020.
That though is for the future.
Throughout October the amount of work headed your way and the needs of others will surely need to take priority.
In fact, you could feel like a personal assistant.
Yet you could excel and support someone to be the best they can be.
2020 has already been described by my colleagues as the year of the 'Great Financial Reset'.
Not everything is about money of course, and 2020 may be as importantly named the Great Reset generally.
Others may look to you for guidance at the spiritual and health level.
What you learn between October 4th and November 19th should stand you in good stead.