Your Monthly Horoscope for October
Renowned for your dreamy nature, you much prefer to drift along, rather than being too decisive or pro-active.
However needs must with the Sun and Mars in your hidden house of transformation. Progress over financial
and emotional matters will only come through confronting the issues, reaching a negotiated compromise
settlement and then moving on. But that will require that you straighten your spine and push to protect your
own interests. You won't get it all your own way but neither can anyone else. Luckily your social life will be
lighter-hearted and more adventurous with a fun crowd to mix with and more exciting activities to enjoy.
A triumph or small success to boost your self-esteem towards mid-month will be just what you need. From
the 23rd certain restrictions will lift so you won't feel as held back by highly personal or confidential matters.
There'll be too much going on in your everyday schedule and a friend won't be on your wavelength but you'll
speed along nonetheless.