Pisces Weekly Sunday 26th May 2019

Sunday's Last Quarter Moon is in your sign and is followed on June 3rd by a New Moon accenting the very base of your solar chart.
True, this pattern occurs annually.
This year though is different: you may remember that in the middle of your birthday month Uranus moved into Taurus.
This is a different frequency altogether.
Of the many possibilities, changes in your neighbourhood might require that you adjust your usual routine to accommodate new transport arrangements.
For others though, this really could mark the end of a long chapter.
Clearing this up and preparing to move on will likely prove exhausting.
It will surely help, if those born under the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius lend a hand.
Indeed, their presence and advice should prove invaluable as you cope with possibly unwanted development.
On the very positive side however, be prepared for your career to move in fresh direction soon after the New Moon on June 3rd.