Pisces Weekly Sunday 29th September 2019

By next weekend it could seem as though you're swimming into dark and murky waters.
That's in part due to Mercury's move into Scorpio and Pluto's station.
Yet the presence of so many planets in an area associated with deep and heavy meaning will surely also be a factor.
And yes, it would be understandable if you had gloomy moments.
It might seem to you that others have absolutely no idea as to where they're headed and that they're not listening to their inner voice.
So determined might they appear to be, that you wonder about their sanity.
Yet like the plumber who has to deal with the messy stuff before they can put in a new system, what occurs may be necessary.
You may need to take yourself away from the fray and take gulps of their 'air' only when you really need to.
You might also benefit from the company of those born under either Cancer or Capricorn who could, at least for the moment, offer valuable sanctuary.