Pisces Weekly Sunday 22nd September 2019

The weekend's Equinox coincided with your two ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, coming to their Last Quarter phase.
As you might imagine, this represents a turning point.
It's often said that Pisces expect others to read their minds.
That perhaps will not be true this week.
Indeed, it's highly likely that you are able to express yourself very clearly and that your particular vision of the future will be much appreciated.
It is of course crucial that this is followed up by good administration and organisation.
For this, you might well need a counterpart or backup.
Though perhaps much of this can be delegated, it will nevertheless be necessary for you to focus and give attention to detail especially over Thursday and Friday.
In doing so however you could smooth your path and ensure that an advertising or information-giving project moves off smoothly as scheduled at the beginning of October.