Pisces Love Friday 20th September 2019

Coinciding with the Equinox, your ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune arrive at their last Quarter phase.
This suggests that you will be swimming into new waters altogether.
The fact that so many planets are in Libra and accenting an area of your solar chart that is about deep and committed relationships,
suggests you'll be witnessing the birth of partnership and delighting in making a deep and meaningful connection.
Yes, it is true that these two planets tend to bring with them huge emotional waves and that there is no guarantee that these will bring delight:
they could as easily bring sorrow.
The thing to hold on to here is that these are abnormal times and that smooth sailing will come after you move from one emotional sea into another.
Holding steady might not be easy and avoiding drama - especially as the Moon passes through Leo between Tuesday and Thursday - might not be easy but,
by next weekend's New Moon you could yet accomplish this.