Starcast for the week beginning September 18th, 2019
With Jupiter in Sagittarius moving into its final square to your ruler Neptune this weekend, it can lead to
a feeling of total emotional overwhelm, whether it is your own life that is far too full, or the emotions of
others, along with the entire world that you feel to be osmosing. You will have a leg up on the whole deal
however with action Mars in Virgo forming a dependable trine to Pluto in Capricorn, suggesting there will
be loved ones you can lean on who will show up to back you on your journey. In fact, the support could
show up in spades for those of you who have put your time in and earned a certain level of recognition.
Task master Saturn is also coming to a stop before motioning direct on Wednesday, Sept. 18, which can
bring a heavily weighted focus on the moment, energizing a dedicated drive toward those things that will
contribute to securing a piece of your future. For a dreamer, this could feel to be far more serious than
you prefer. However, by merging practical steps and responsible follow-through with an ideal vision,
this increases your chances for manifesting an ultimate outcome!