Week starting 6th September
Everyone knows what is meant by their words, “common sense.“ The fact that we see so many people behaving
senselessly confirms that such a sense isn't as common as it should be. We all possess knowledge of what's
right and wrong, and are also blessed with intuition, an inner voice or gut feeling that goes a long way to supporting
this. But in the same way so many people ignore common sense, they also ignore their intuition. It's also a shame
that we all come up with umpteen different reasons to deliberately ignore it. We tell ourselves that we are under
too much pressure or can't be certain about what we feel and afraid of the fact that we might look stupid if we end
up discovering that we were wrong to do so. As a Piscean, you're very aware of how finely tuned your intuition is.
It's extremely important this week that you listen to what it tells you because you could allow the voice of negativity
and doubt to override it. It's as if you have an invisible devil sitting on one shoulder whispering reasons why you
should be fearful, negative, or doubtful while you have an invisible angel on the other shoulder reminding you of
reasons why you can and deserve to feel positive, optimistic, inspired and enthusiastic. The choice is yours regarding
which voice you choose to listen to. Allow common sense to dictate clearly the right one.