Pisces Love Friday 24th May 2019

Sunday's Last Quarter Moon is in your sign.
This doesn't necessarily mark an ending as there is a similar Last Quarter Moon every year, but it does suggest that you might be ready to move into a new chapter.
At an emotional level, you may be highly sensitive.
The fact that both the Sun and Mercury are also passing through another of the Mutable signs, suggests that your might appear exceptionally highly strung.
You perhaps need time out - either walking near water or swimming.
Losing yourself in this way could act as balm.
Of course, the other possibility is attempting to reach higher state of consciousness but being seduced to do so in ways that aren't necessarily healthy!
In short, and especially since Mars is presently passing through another of the Water signs, you could so easily be caught in someone's net simply because you appear lost.
Note however, that that situation will change in just a few days' time.
It may be the case, that rather than exploring new romantic interest, you need time to absorb the impact of all that's happened since the start of 2019
and to prepare yourself for excitement after the eclipses in July.