Pisces Monthly September 2019

With so many planets in Mutable signs like your own, you could feel pushed this way and that - at least until the Full Moon on 14th.
Cash flow could be wild and furious.
The Full Moon coincides with both Mercury and Venus changing signs.
This should work favourably with regard to joint financial management.
Indeed between that date and the Equinox on September 21 (which this year coincides with your two ruling planets reaching the next phase in their cycle),
it may be possible to determine a more appropriate strategy.
That said, dealing with loss or financial banana skins is probable between 6th and 10th.
Indeed, these experiences that could lead you to arrange an urgent meeting with an adviser between 12th and 14th.
Yet if you are in a position to make investment, you could find bargains - especially in the last nine days of September.
Focusing on artisans, antiques or long-established businesses should work well especially around 25th and 26th.
You might also be tipped off about a product that is coming to market that has educational value and which good fast reward.