Pisces Weekly Sunday 1st September 2019

On Tuesday, the Sun and Mars align in your opposite sign.
The last time they did this was 2004 and before that in 1987.
It might help to think back to those years and the working partnerships that began then.
They don't need to have been perfect but you can perhaps build on those connections.
It's also entirely possible that you will be asked to get involved with a charity project or to give assistance to someone who is presently away from their desk.
All this will surely bring out the best in you.
True, putting together this week's planetary geometry with your high degree of sensitivity, it might also be that you feel below par and need to address health niggles.
That said, with guidance from experts and growing understanding of the need for rest, you could yet negotiate any hurdles and prepare to build on contact made this week that lead to key meetings next -
most especially if these involve training and education.