Monday, 2 September ? Sunday 8 September  Highs and Lows.
Relationships continue to occupy the mainframe, so if you’re single and seeking, what are you waiting for?
Someone could be waiting for you… Likewise, time spent nurturing your significant other and listening to
his or her needs will not be wasted. Renewal and celebration are in the stars. It’s not hearts and roses for
every Piscean, though. Neptune’s misty influence can inspire misunderstandings and disappointments,
although should you discover someone is not all you believed and that a relationship was not made of
durable material, far better you know now.

September 2019
Welcome to the most romantic month of 2019. Your membership of the lonely hearts’ club could be over
and/or the future of a relationship settled. And even if someone isn’t making you a romantic proposal,
there could be work contracts in the offing and invitations to special events. The Pisces full moon (14th)
brings a simmering issue to the bubble, after which you’ll be a lot more certain of where you’re going and
with or without whom. (Sometimes before love and success arrive, you have to clear a space.) Nonetheless,
this is a largely upbeat month for Fishy Folk.