Next Month's Horoscope for September
Close partners will be firing on all cylinders and if you can hitch your wagon to theirs and cooperate then you'll
speed along. It may be tricky to avoid arguments but keeping the peace will be more sensible. You will feel popular
socially since your knack of making everyone you meet feel special will have them eating out of your hand. You
may at times take on board too much or get over hopeful since your head will be full of dreams. If you can keep
your feet on the ground and keep your expectations pitched down a touch it'll help. Running away with the notion
that everything you attempt will work well at the first attempt will get you into trouble. By the 19th you'll be shoulder
to the wheel and not giving up until you've moved one situation on. Your mood will be determined with stronger
feelings than you normally experience. Try not to exaggerate or get things out of perspective. Financially and
emotionally you will get changes in place if you're strategic and flexible.