Starcast for the week beginning August 28th, 2019
With your ruler Neptune in your sign and forming a exquisite angles of support to the Nodes, the symbols that
connect to your past and your future, this is allowing your dreams to be supported like never before. You may
have already been seeing signs of the promise that they hold. In order for the dream to come true, it takes
people who have the power to help make it happen, and this week you form some new connections that may
play a role in your vision unfolding. A New Moon in Virgo in your house of relationships on Friday, Aug. 30, is
joined by loving Venus and Mars, allowing others to see the very best in you. With this squad also plugged into
electric Uranus, there is no telling who someone knows that might help you get the gold. Mercury also joins this
group of planets in Virgo the day before the New Moon, and by the middle of next week he will be right in the
middle of the mix. By then, this entire bundle of planets will be securing a deal as they harmonize with strength
to Saturn.

Someone you come to know may very well be the missing link that changes absolutely everything