Pisces Weekly Sunday 25th August 2019

Coming from one of the Water signs of the Zodiac you can appear supersensitive: sensing undercurrents long before other people.
With the bubble of excitement going on at the start of the week many will likely be blissfully unaware of what's round the corner.
Friday's Virgo New Moon is unusual in that that same day Mercury, Venus and Mars will also be grouped in this, your opposite sign.
It is then that the cosmic weather is set to change.
Over the next fortnight everyone will need to pay greater attention to detail and arguably to health matters.
Yes it's true that Pisces has a reputation for being dreamy and losing things.
You do though have an uncanny ability to find them just at the moment they are needed.
This week, aware of the potential hot water that others are dropping themselves into,
it might be as well to be even more observant than usual so that you're in a position to offer the kind of assistance you enjoy giving next week when potential chaos could ensue.