For August 24-30, 2019
Image: "At a deserted parking lot booth, a young man with a ticket stub"
Message: Validation.

Early this week a family member or lover may subtly ask for advice, support or encouragement.
Make sure that you don't feel drawn into the problems of others or encouraged to provide relatives with excuses for their behavior.
Before Tuesday you are sensitive and easily given to fast, emotional responses.
Spend extra time in quiet contemplation or with trusted friends.
Early Saturday many Pisceans will also begin a four day period of powerful emotional insights, memories or flashes of wisdom.
Use this time to finalize key romantic decisions or announce your plans to loved ones.
Others will offer acceptance and encouragement: don't doubt your own thoughts, feelings and insights.
After Wednesday watch also for a fast wave of business demands from authority figures:
new work roles, expanded assignments or divided duties may now be both challenging and exciting.