Pisces Weekly Sunday 18th August 2019

The buildup of planets in your opposite sign begins this Sunday as Mars moving to Virgo.
By the end of the month it might seem that others have all the balls in their court.
Yet you could prove an efficient referee and guide.
Midweek, Mercury makes fabulous aspect to Jupiter now at the very apex of your solar chart.
With your guidance, and gentle persuasion, much could yet be resolved.
The intransigence of others could yet dissipate.
True, by the end of the month much detail will need to be resolved.
As others pour over the wording of documents, it will likely fall to you to hold the long-term vision that all will be well.
Though far from complacent about the potential outcome,
you can perhaps see that once delicate negotiations are completed, then the fun of rebuilding and refocusing can begin.