Starcast for the week beginning August 14th, 2019
It is a bit crazy here on Earth at the moment. You are feeling life’s pressures as more and more content continues
to pile onto your plate and it is causing a feeling of absolute overwhelm. Beyond that, there is an air of unpredictability
in the ethers that is making it a challenge to be able to really relax. A Full Moon in Aquarius in your house of the great
unknown is approaching early on Thursday, Aug. 15, and is opposing the Sun and Venus in Leo. Later that day, the Moon
will oppose Mars energizing an irritability and in some cases a desire to just close your eyes and escape the madness.
Fortunately, heaven is keeping a close watch on you as your ruler Neptune in your sign is still forming an ideal angle to
the North node in fellow water sign Cancer, keeping your heart and your hopes in mind.

Mercury aligns in promising ways to Jupiter early next week and you receive not only word you have been waiting for,
but word that potentially far exceeds the goal!