Pisces Weekly Sunday 11th August 2019

By the time that the Moon reaches your sign on Friday, anticipate that many people will be seeking you out - both for your wisdom and compassion!
Fact is that at the cosmic level, this promises to be an exceptionally busy week.
It all begins on Monday when both Jupiter and Uranus arrive at their stations.
That's followed on Wednesday by the Sun's conjunction with Venus and then a Full Moon on Thursday.
Many people will be affected and feel the need (or be provoked!) into action.
By Friday they might wonder what on earth they've done and need your reassurance that the steps they've taken have indeed be wise.
You too could get caught up in a near theatrical production.
Whether or not you're trying to assist somebody with a holiday romance,
with the creation of a brochure or flyer for an event, the emphasis is very much on presentation.
And yes, your particular way of looking at things could be just what's needed.
All this said, there may be moments when it would be wise for you to place clear boundaries to ensure that you are not left exhausted.