Week starting 9th August
Since April, Jupiter has made it difficult to focus on or make progress with your career, status, and ambitions.
Where you might have felt enthusiastic, you could have found that you adopted a pessimistic or deflated view
of your career and the direction it's heading. Once Jupiter goes direct this week, there will be noticeable
improvements. Mercury in Leo until August 29 can help you to come up with inspired ideas relating to what
you do daily or your service to others. You could also embark upon a new health or fitness regime that you'll
feel passionate about and enjoy the attention you attract. With Uranus retrograde until January, you have a
chance to plan and prepare for a significant change to how you think, share ideas, or communicate. It might
also be necessary to brush up on technology to help you do so, too. Finally, a Full Moon on Thursday influences
your need to detach or distance yourself from people or possibly situations to reacquaint yourself with yourself.
If there are painful or upsetting episodes from your past that you're trying to get to grips with, then this Full
Moon can mark the start of a new level of healing. Don't resist the urge to create some distance if it helps you
to emerge feeling healthier and restored.