Starcast for the week beginning August 7th, 2019
You have a bird’s-eye view on life at the moment. You have pulled back your scope and are seeing your future
from a more expansive view. Your ruler Neptune is in your sign and forming a magnificent trine to the North Node,
the symbol for your destiny, allowing you to infuse the dream with more of a long term look at things. This allows
you to make more conscious choices now knowing how they will play out in your long term future. You have a lens
that allows you to connect more dots and envision what is best in the years to come, not just in the months ahead.
Loving Venus is also traveling with the Sun which is showing you the beauty in simplicity and not overextending
yourself. This week you will be reminded of the wealth in your world that already exists. A version of heaven is well
within reach without your needing to take a wild risk that includes a great unknown of where you will land. Wisdom
holder Jupiter stations direct in Sagittarius as well on Sunday, Aug.11, which is taking your intuition to new heights.

Feel it, trust it, and you will know!