Pisces Weekly Sunday 12th May 2019

Though the Moon changes signs every couple of days, and most of us accept that there is a constancy to this rhythm, when the planets change signs, there is significant gearchange.
This week both Venus and Mars move into new areas of the zodiac.
This brings with it fresh currents of energy.
The arrival of Mars in another of the Water signs should suit you well.
For the next six weeks so, Mars moves through the creative zone of your solar chart.
If you've been tempted to start a new project, write your first novel or whatever,
you might choose to get this underway before the Full Moon on Saturday.
This lunation is extra special in that that same day, Venus and Uranus align in Taurus for the first time in many decades.
This marks a fresh moment for all signs.
For you, the ability to see what can be turned into something new will surely rise to the surface after Wednesday.
Indeed, your ability to recycle and reassess could be noted and bring you new admirers.