Pisces Weekly Sunday 19th May 2019

It is quite unusual for both the Sun and Mercury to arrive virtually simultaneously at the base of your solar chart.
But that's what happens this Tuesday.
As you know, your sign is depicted as two fishes swimming in opposite directions.
Imagine two different air currents also arriving.
And yes, it is possible that this could leave you in something of a flap.
Perhaps there will be just too many options available.
What you thought you wanted a couple of weeks ago may no longer be what you feel you need now.
What may be important is to assess the mood in the direction of those swimming around you.
This is where your fabulous ability to tune into so many different levels should come to the fore.
Indeed, by Friday, and having ascertained undercurrents that others are most likely missing, you could position yourself well for meetings next week.
Throughout all this, don't underestimate either your ability to absorb information almost like a sponge, or to spew it out and give it to others in neatly packaged material.
In short, what looks as though it could be a crazy week, could also be a hugely beneficial and productive one.