Starcast for the week beginning July 31st, 2019
You ruler Neptune is in your sign and forming a heavenly trine to the North Node, the symbol for your destiny.
This trend will bolster you still for the next two months.
Even then, Saturn, the planet of stability, will sync up with Neptune to help you secure an ambition in the few months that follow after that.
In other words, there is something long range in the making, and something that will sustain you for some time to come.
Your reputation is being refined and people are getting a clearer picture of the boundless Spirit that you bring to a certain setting.
A Super New Moon in Leo late on Wednesday, July 31, energizes a new fire of motivation as you enter this next new stage in your development.
Loving Venus in Leo squares Uranus before the weekend suggesting you will be receiving some surprising news,
but the Sun and Venus will travel together in Leo for maximum energy and connection for the next three weeks.
Generous Jupiter in Sagittarius will jump in to triple the impact as he increases your degree of visibility and has others knocking on your door.
Mercury stations direct in fellow water sign Pisces within the hour following the New Moon to help you establish a clarity of direction and an added ability to express what your heart and Soul wants.
No need to compromise.
Aim high and go long, something big is coming!