Pisces Love Friday 26th July 2019

Mercury is still retrograde and Venus is moving into another of the Fire signs.
The combination of this, together with action at the very base of your solar chart, suggests that this weekend could be one of emotional mayhem.
For all sorts of reasons things could go slightly awry.
It will be necessary to have a sense of humour.
Your thoughts could be here there and everywhere.
You might also be chasing memories.
Yet your recall could be so very very different to that of someone else which could lead to lively discussion on Monday.
Note however, that Mercury's station coincides with the August New Moon.
There's everything then to play for.
Misunderstandings should be resolved before next weekend.
The art for now may be to be particularly careful in relationships with those born under the Fire signs Aries, Leo or Sagittarius which are the ones most likely to go through significant upheaval.