Starcast for the week beginning July 24th, 2019
I always start from the beginning when I write the weekly forecasts which means that I save the best for last, right Pisces?
You have sacrificed yourself plenty along life’s highway but this time it really is about you.
Your ruler Neptune is retrograde with five other planets giving you extra time to get it right and to get what you deserve.
Neptune is currently forming a secure angle of support, called a sextile, to Saturn and given how slow these two planets move, these two will be in simpatico until nearly the end of the year.
Saturn will not station direct until mid September and Neptune will not station direct until the end of November
which means it would be best to take your time too, to do the research you need to really feel through what is best for your future.
It may be too that you are doing further training in order to master your craft before you can put the shingle on the door.
You do not need to compromise or undercut your potential, these longer term trends reflect an earned level of well deserved recognition.
Abundant Jupiter is up at the top of your chart and forming a strategic trine to Mars, suggesting your efforts are in the process of paying off.
Mercury has retrograded back to merge with Venus in fellow water sign Cancer energizing emotional validation for all of the blood, sweat and tears.
Your heart is destined to be imbued with an overflowing bounty!