Pisces Weekly Sunday 14th July 2019

Though Tuesday's lunar eclipse isn't in your sign, you might still be aware of others closing a chapter.
You though might experience desire to tidy things up, prune and get rid of items that either cause distress or are too costly to maintain.
Most signs will surely find that the start of this week is excellent space clearing.
But yes, it's also true that many will put austerity measures into place.
Recall though, that an eclipse coupled with Mercury's retrograde status, brings the risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
On more than one occasion you might need to persuade someone that they are acting too hastily.
It should though, be obvious that certain people really need to move on.
Idealism rules especially over Thursday and Friday.
This might be the time to pull together the items you will need for a project you intend to start in September.