Starcast for the week beginning July 10th, 2019
Life does not come free. You know perhaps more than anyone how true this sentiment can be. Being a Pisces,
you were born to dream and float, but the universe has been demanding far more from you on this journey in
recent years. Your ruler Neptune is in your sign, which means he is showing you a picture of the ideal, dangling it
in front of your eyes, yet not for a moment handing it to you without evidence of your worthiness. You have been
doing all you can to prove yourself and with a Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn and conjunct Pluto, on Tuesday,
July 16, you are going to find out firsthand if all of your hard work has paid off. Action Mars is squaring Uranus
early on this forecast week, so be hyper-clear in your communications if you want to prevent unnecessary
misunderstandings. Neptune is also forming a majestic angle of support to loving Venus in fellow water sign
Cancer, which is merged with the North Node, suggesting even with as crazy as life may become, a gift of the
heart is well on its way!