Pisces Weekly Sunday 7th July 2019

First hold the thought that we are between two important eclipses.
The second, the Lunar on 16th coincides with an important moment in the Sun-Saturn cycle.
Many people will be arriving at what could be considered as a full stop.
Signals as to the need to take new direction will surely be obvious as Mercury reaches its retrograde station on Tuesday.
Though this event doesn't happen in your sign,
you may find that colleagues born under the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius are particularly affected and require extra support as a result.
Focused as you may be giving them assistance, it would be wise also to consider your own long-term career and working prospects.
It might not be so hard to ease into a new position when the Sun makes fabulous aspect to your ruling planet, Neptune which also happens to be passing through your sign before the weekend.
In short, this could be a rollercoaster week that concludes with others very interested in your revised vision of what could be.