Pisces Love Friday 5th July 2019

Don't be at all surprised if you feel emotionally and romantically unsettled over the next few days.
Recall that we are now between eclipses.
This can be an unsettling time for many people.
Add to that mix Mercury turning retrograde as of Tuesday, and the potential for a romantic mishap or comedy increases.
True, you could have great fun over this time.
If you are trying to get a new relationship off the ground, or enhance the value of a permanent one, accessing your sense of humour will no doubt be necessary.
Plans may be changed at the last moment you be unsettled by someone is altered behaviour.
View all this as though you were a ship turning round in harbour ready to set sail in new directions in a couple of weeks' time.
The manoeuver could leave others spellbound.
And yes, especially around the First Quarter Moon midweek, you could enchant - especially those born under the Mercury ruled signs of Gemini or Virgo.