Starcast for the week beginning July 3rd, 2019
A Total Solar Eclipse in fellow water sign Cancer on Tuesday, July 2, is giving you a taste of of the tides that
your Soul is currently kayaking through. You know how little effort is required when you surrender to the pull of
the current, and Pisces, that is about all that will be required of you now. Your ruler Neptune is also in your sign
and combining in optimal ways with the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, suggesting there are key events
occurring this month that will be indicators for where your life is ultimately headed, some of which will be totally
unexpected. Action Mars just joined Mercury in Leo and together they are squaring radical Uranus, which means
you may be approaching some rapids that lead you into a future that looks dramatically different than your past,
but whatever it is, the stars say your heart is going to be fully on board. You know how to ‘roll with the changes’
better than anybody. So let go and the universe can take it from here!