Pisces Quarterly

This quarter should prove dynamic for Pisces given the extraordinary buildup of planets in your opposite sign between August 29 and the Full Moon in your own sign on September 14.
It's then that others, all competing for your attention and certainly demanding high levels of efficiency, could push you into swimming in new channels altogether.
Much of this may be linked to steps taken between the Solar Eclipse on July 2 and its accompanying Lunar Eclipse on July 16.
You may be tempted to try to swim backwards or, like a salmon, go upstream.
It's probable though that the tide is already turning and that others are demanding that you join them in new adventures (espeecially after August 12th).
Your horizons looks set to expand.
True, this could be linked to ideas and plans enjoyed whilst on holiday.
It is perhaps more likely - and especially between August 12th and 17th, that you will experience rare insights into both behaviour and possibilities.
In turn, these could lead you into joining forces with those with the practical skills to see a task through.
By the Full moon in September, this alliance looks set to expand so that by the end of that month you are key player in a team whose existence at the end of June wasn't even proposed.