Pisces Monthly July 2019

With two eclipses taking place this month, the first, a Solar on 2nd followed two weeks later by a Lunar on 16th,
it is likely that many people will be reviewing their position and perhaps preparing to move off in fresh direction entirely.
You may have seen this coming of course.
Though neither eclipse is in your sign, it is probable that those around you will be affected and that you will be involved in family financial matters.
Preserving and maintaining a legacy could move to top priority.
Yet it's possible - and especially midmonth around the Lunar Eclipse, that there will be items and services that you are determined you will no longer take responsibility for.
In passing these on - and perhaps realising cash along the way,- you then release extra energy for other developments at the end of the month.
Note that as of the 8th and through until the beginning of next month, Mercury is retrograde.
Considerable focus will be required if deals are not to become muddled and for you to be shortchanged as a result.
Take particular care over the weekend of Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st.
It might also be as well to to be prepared for increased transport costs in the last week of July.