For July 1-7, 2019
Image: "Darting through the woods, four small rabbits"
Message: Releasing the fear.

Over the next few days many Pisceans will experience a dramatic upsurge in romantic interest, social involvement and group activities.
Planetary movements suggest that a new social circle may soon appear and demand complex decisions.
Wednesday/Thursday watch for a rapid increase in gossip, news, group events or intriguing emotional triangles.
All looks rather enjoyable so not to worry.
Do, however, avoid neglecting business and workplace duties: in the coming weeks career accomplishments, added job responsibilities and financial obligations may tend to captivate much attention.
Try to stay as balanced as possible: before August an equal division of time between your public and private live is extremely important.
After Thursday many Pisceans will also begin a brief but intense period of new romantic encounters.
If so, expect to soon feel extremely flattered or, in some cases, overwhelmed by romantic attention.
This week marks a powerful emotional turning point: new confidence, romantic proposals, social wisdom and vivid insights are all within your reach.