Pisces Love Friday 17th May 2019

It might be as well to stand ready for your emotional roots to be shaken.
True, this likely won't happen until the middle of next week
after both the Sun and Mercury arrive at the base of your solar chart and Mars moves into another of the Water signs On Thursday.
The stage though may be set this weekend at the Full Moon.
This particular lunation is special in that it coincides with the very first alignment of Venus (planet of love) with Uranus, (planet of the unexpected) in Taurus for many, many decades.
It could be that love interest is sparked by someone in your locale.
It might even be someone you see fairly regularly.
If you're already involved, you could strike up new and interesting rapport whilst walking locally.
Either way, anticipate reaching an emotional crest before next weekend.
Finding you tunes to play on your heartstrings will likely not be difficult.
What could be challenging is the fact that these tunes are so rich that you need more sleep than usual in order to process them.