Monday, 1 July ? Sunday, 7 July   Impressive.
2019 is a year of great potential, so if, by this point, little has come of your efforts to succeed, it is time to redouble
those efforts and explore new ways to achieve your ends. Those ambitions could be personal, romantic and familial
or they could be professional and material. But whatever you believe would turn your life around, here come the
alignments that can help you do so. They’re not easy but when was getting something really worthwhile ever easy.
Circumstances may suddenly change or you may experience a life-changing epiphany, and even a small signal should
be noted and plans made accordingly. Then again, you may be in line for one of those rare events ? a gift from the gods.

July 2019
It’s good to open your mind and your heart to fresh possibilities, and under July’s stars they could be quite magical.
Then again, if you’ve been fighting change, even though you know you need to do something ? anything! ? about a
situation, it could happen whether you like it or not. Great new alliances can come into being now; new projects can be
born, and as with all such major developments, life will never be quite the same afterwards. Take a little more care with
travel and activities which are unfamiliar to you, though: until you’ve accustomed yourself to the territory missteps will
be easily made. Something of a metaphor for life in general.