Pisces Weekly Sunday 30th June 2019

This week's cosmic drama includes a Solar Eclipse in another of the Water signs and both Mars and Venus changing signs.
Any one of these factors implies fresh vibration and energy.
The combination could result in this be a hugely eventful period.
True, your sign doesn't at first glance appear to be particularly implicated.
Yet it is likely you will be at the heart of drama.
In fact, developments may be rooted in plans made some weeks ago.
This week the pace gathers with you aware that horizons have altered, aims and objectives are not as they were
and that yes, quite probably your skills and talents could be better used elsewhere.
Thought it's likely not necessary to make a change of career or direction this week,
what this period through until the Lunar Eclipse on July 16 may be about is determining how best you could support others since if their boats capsize, they could threaten your own safety.