Pisces Love Friday 28th June 2019

The cosmic activity between this weekend and next is considerable.
Consider, both Mars and Venus change signs.
That in itself implies many people will be seeking different types of partnership energy.
The fact that Mars changes sign on the day of a Solar Eclipse underlines the potential for drama.
It may be that you have a key role to play.
The Moon's occultation of Mars on Thursday suggests that if there is a flurry of activity this weekend, that it will not be sustained.
You may though be left witnessing someone quite discombobulated by events.
The fact that you're willing to listen, discuss strategies - even if these are never implemented -, could cement a friendship.
From the romantic point of view and quite separate to all of this, once Venus moves into another of the Water signs, Cancer, on Thursday,
you could be entranced by someone who quickly identifies the things that you really appreciate.