Starcast for the week beginning June 26th, 2019
Let’s start with the good. Your ruler Neptune is in Pisces, and while it is retrograde and has you circling back
to re-center yourself with those deep-seated values, it is also shining a light forward so you are clear about
which way to travel. No matter what sudden changes may occur on your path in the coming weeks, because
there very well could be a few, Neptune sees the bigger picture for your journey and will prove to be your guiding
star. A Total Solar Eclipse in fellow water sign Cancer on Tuesday, July 2, is destined to open your heart in
some unforeseen way. Mars and Mercury will be traveling in tandem in amorous Leo while squaring Uranus,
suggesting you may hear from someone unexpectedly from your past so prepare to potentially need to work
through the shock of that one. Loving Venus will enter Cancer as well by the 4th of July, serving to help sweeten
and soften any of the turbulence in your life. Remember Pisces, Neptune knows best, and he’s got your back,
your front, as well as your sides. Bathe in that truth for a bit and nothing will be able to touch you.

You’ve got this!