Starcast for the week beginning May 15th, 2019
While there is a myriad of energetic quick-change artists operating in the ethers, there is one thing you can lean
on, your ruler Neptune is in your house of new beginnings and currently moving in perfect harmony with the North
Node, the symbol that pulls you into your future. You will benefit from this trend between now and the end of
August, however, it carries some extra magic between now and the end of May. Mars and Venus, the planets that
govern what you want and what you need, are also both changing signs on Wednesday, May 15, which will support
you well as action Mars enters fellow water sign Cancer and Venus enters earth bound Taurus, helping to sweeten
your heart and stabilize your stride. A Full Moon looms in fellow water sign Scorpio on Saturday, May 18, which is
bound to empower you to no end as Venus joins Uranus that day to ignite the potential for an exceptional alternate
route. Lastly, action Mars partners with electric Uranus next week to blow the ceiling off of any limits to what is
possible. You receive an invitation to travel into exciting, evolving territory.

This week is loaded; may it propel you into a world of your wishes and of your making!