Pisces Love Friday 21st June 2019

Whether or not you are aware of negotiating a significant emotional wave, it's probable that those around you are doing exactly the same.
This could be a tricky time.
It might take a few days longer before you feel at all settled.
In fact, it may be helpful to note that stability might not come until after the lunar Eclipse in the middle of next month.
That's not to say that there can't be significant and pleasant emotional activity between this weekend and next.
It is perhaps as well to note though that if indeed you do respond planet cycles, then there are deep waves to negotiate over the next few days.
A strong possibility too, is that events in the local neighbourhood, - particularly in the middle of next week - have the potenatial to be vaguely disturbing.
True, they might also be exciting and bring the possibility of making an interesting new contact before the end of the month.