Starcast for the week beginning June 19th, 2019
You will be in the process of re-working your way forward in the next few months with so many planets retrograde,
including your ruler joining the mix as Neptune stations retrograde on Friday, June 21, in your sign. Loving Venus is
in Gemini, energizing different options on your path that may be pulling on you in opposite directions. With Venus
squaring your ruler Neptune as we pull into next week, a veil will be lifted so you can see a situation or someone
more clearly. In some cases, it can energize a feeling of disillusionment if you were fueling a false impression in a
situation or overly idealizing what was possible. It may simply be that someone is going silent on you or not holding
up their end of a conversation that allows you to feel more clear about the future. However, action Mars is in fellow
water sign Cancer and this is injecting you with more courage and confidence to keep the candle burning no matter
what may be attempting to knock you off course. In addition, steady Saturn is operating as a buttress of support to
Neptune to keep your dreams not only alive and kicking but safe and sound.

Cover your bases this week and you will find a way to score big!